Monday, April 20, 2015


I'm on a roll! I'm slowly working through my backlog of photos for the blog which is why you're hearing so much from me lately! I just like to spend my time making instead of fussing with html for blogging :) Also, I'm about to go into quilting hibernation, and I won't come out until those quilts are done! I'll still be on Instagram, but I'll keep the blog quiet so I can knuckle down and get these quilts made before the weddings in July and August :)

And speaking of weddings, here's a cute bridal shower gift I made for my friend when she got married last November (which I kind of still can't believe).

Crocheted Lovebirds

I used the (free!) Cute Bird Pattern by Lisa Auch on Ravelry and you can view my own modifications here.

Crocheted Lovebirds

As you can see, this is not my first time giving nested lovebirds to newlyweds. I'm still on an impractical gift giving kick! (But I did get them something off the registry anyways).

Crocheted Lovebirds

I just used puffy paint for the banner instead of embroidery on this version, which saved me a ton of time. Plus, I'm definitely an embroidery n00b, so my stitches never turn out all that pretty. Let's call it charming.

Crocheted Lovebirds

One last thing, can we talk about how everyone seems to know social conventions about these kinds of things except me?? And when I say "these kinds of things", I'm talking bridal showers, engagement parties, weddings; all things I am expected to know about because I am a ~girl~ apparently. Where are you all learning about these things? Is there a secret "girl basic training" that I forgot to go to??

Well, don't mind me, I'm just going to sit in the corner over here and knit then. I'm planning on bringing my knitting to a bachelorette weekend, is that a huge faux pas?


  1. How adorable! And even more meaningful that they are handmade and not some cheap wedding tchotchke.

    I'm the worst about social conventions for weddings, babies, etc. I'm calling this my year of lady obligations because I have two weddings (am in one) and am hosting a baby shower! WHY ARE WE ALL GROWN UP NOW!??!?

  2. Ha ha ha! I remember these little birdies! Soooooooooooooo cute!!! :D

    I see nothing wrong with bringing knitting to a bachelorette weekend; I know I'd bring a book with me! Although, you may not want to take my advice since I missed "girl basic training," too (as you well know). Why weren't we invited? :P

    --Jenny :)
