We found the greatest orchard that specialized in dwarf apple trees and weird metal sculptures. Why are miniature apple trees cool? Because tiny people like me can reach the apples!

Our small-looking bag of apples actually ended up being made into 2 apple pies (recipe previously made here) and a loaf of apple cinnamon pull apart bread.

Isn't this the cutest sign? It was on the door of the cutest tea house :)

And look at all the yummy teas they had! We've officially become loose tea drinkers.

And this book house was amazing. 5 rooms with floor to ceiling bookcases, full of books of pretty much every genre.

Julian has this really sweet quaint town feeling mixed with extreme touristy-ness. There was some kind of Western skit on the main street every hour. You know, the kind with fake gun fights between the sheriff and some outlaw? Anyways, it was a nice place to go for the day, but it's definitely a hike from San Diego proper. Not exactly the easiest place to get to (in a car with no AC, no less).
Looks like a great place to be - comfy, has tea, fresh produce and books! Sounds like a nice little vacation spot, if even for only a couple of hours!